Do risk reports communicate effectively?


Imagine these are reactions to the CRO’s risk reports, at different times from different people:

CEO: “OK, I see this risk matrix. What does it mean? Why are you showing it to me? What am I supposed to do with it?”

Board member: “Didn’t we see and discuss this in our last meeting? Why do we need to see it again when we decided that management was taking all the right actions?”

CFO: “Why do you have currency fluctuations marked as a high risk when you have already agreed that we are doing what we can to hedge it? Does the Treasurer agree with you?”

Risk committee member: “Can we table our discussion of your report? We need to leave this meeting to attend the board discussion on Strategy.”

COO: “I manage by exception, as I think all executives should. What are the exceptions that require my attention?”

Board member: “The CEO and CFO tell us we are going to make our numbers and please the market. Why are you telling us we have all these high risks?”

General Counsel: “Your report is not consistent with what we have included in the Risk Factors section of the annual financial statements. Are you trying to get us sued?”

Business SVP: “How am I supposed to use this?”

VP, Internal Audit: “Are your reports complete and accurate? What are you doing to make sure they reflect current…



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