US Program Helps Ports Assess Cybersecurity


HudsonAnalytix, Inc. and its subsidiary HudsonCyber have completed a U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) Cargo Handling Cooperative Program (CHCP) grant to perform cybersecurity capability assessment workshops at three U.S. ports.


HudsonAnalytix’s HACyberLogix-informed assessment approach enabled these ports to cost-effectively assess their entire organizational cybersecurity capabilities and identify cybersecurity capability vulnerabilities. The results from these workshops will support MARAD CHCP in leading the adoption of cyber risk management best practices across the U.S. port industry.


Rob Quartel, Chair of the CHCP and former Federal Maritime Commissioner, said, “The United States Maritime Administration and the Cargo Handling Cooperative Program are pleased to have sponsored this project, which covered ports with geographic, cargo type and cargo tonnage diversity. We are eager to continue working with the port industry to implement the recommendations and best practices included in this report.”


Powered by NTELX’s iDMX technology, the HACyberLogix platform combines more than 30 years of maritime risk management expertise with…

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