HIMSS25 panel provides tips on combating cyber security threats


LAS VEGAS – At HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition, Jon Moore chief risk officer and senior vice president of consulting services and client success at Clearwater Security and Compliance, and Michael Gross, manager of cyber intelligence at the Cleveland Clinic, discussed how to stay on top of threats through intelligence sources.

In their talk entitled, “Mastering Cyber Threat Intelligence to Protect Patient Safety,” Moore and Gross said it is vital to understand how to interpret and leverage threat intelligence.

“It’s hard to miss the daily announcements of some sort of ransomware attack or cyber attack,” said Moore.

“The attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated,” Gross added.

Because cyber threats are escalating in frequency and severity, staying on top of threats through intelligence sources is vital. 

One way to do that, according to Moore and Gross, is to incorporate threat intelligence into a holistic cybersecurity strategy.

Another is to describe varying sources of cyber threat intelligence data and what information can be gathered from each.

The pair said distinguishing between different tactical cybersecurity strategies and how each is leveraged as…

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