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Home News Internal Audit City flags $43K in audit of council’s 2017 discretionary funds

City flags $43K in audit of council’s 2017 discretionary funds



A quick overview of the city of Montgomery’s discretionary funds and how they are reviewed

Two nonprofits were unable to present proper documentation for nearly $43,000 given by a city councilman, according to a city audit.

City records show that the total council donations to those groups have totaled more than $76,615 since October 2016, but more than half of those funds are not subject to an audit. Every year, the city’s nine council members have $222,500 each to gift to different nonprofits from their so-called “discretionary funds.” Largely, those funds go unchecked except for one pot of money, meant for capital projects.

From that pool of money, called 618…


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