FFIEC joint statement addresses role of cyber insurance in risk management programs


On April 10, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) members issued a joint statement advising financial institutions to consider the role of cyber insurance as a component of their overall risk management programs in light of the increasing number of sophisticated cyber-attacks. While financial institutions are not required to have cyber insurance, the FFIEC stated that it can be an effective tool to help mitigate risk. However, the FFIEC emphasized that cyber insurance does not diminish the need for a sound control environment; rather, it “may be a component of a broader risk management strategy that includes identifying, measuring, mitigating and monitoring cyber risk exposure.” Additionally, cyber insurance may offset financial losses resulting from data breaches that may not be covered by traditional insurance policies. Considerations for financial institutions assessing the costs and benefits of adding cyber insurance include: (i) involving multiple stakeholders in the decision, (ii) conducting proper due diligence to understand coverage and identify any gaps; and (iii) reviewing cyber insurance as part of a financial institution’s annual…

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