5 Reasons Why You Should Not Take A Swing At The Boss – A Risk Management Perspective


Ah, the Boss.  All powerful.  What a leader.

Bosses are only people, after all, just like you and me.  They have the same issues, problems, and are prone to the same foibles. Do they not bleed? Do they not suffer? Why would we want to take a swing at our Fearless Leader?

Oh, you might be one of the very, very few who has such a primordial urge.

As lawyers we are taught from day one to be cautious, risk averse, and downright terrified of change or uncertainty.  And if we forget at times, we are always reminded — gently — to play it safe, don’t take chances, and, heaven forbid, make sure that our clients are just as risk averse and terrified of uncertainty as we are.  As good risk managers, we analyze every possible issue five times, up and down and sideways, and make sure…
