Trump Axes Top Cybersecurity Role, Kaspersky Moves to Switzerland

More Political Security Drama: Trump Axes Top Cybersecurity Role, DHS Strategy Silent on Hack Back, Kaspersky Moves to Switzerland

A new U.S. cybersecurity strategy calls on government agencies to work more closely with private sector companies to reduce risks. At the same time, the Trump Administration eliminated the chief cybersecurity coordinator post.

“Digital security is now converging with personal and physical security, and it is clear that our cyber adversaries can now threaten the very fabric of our republic itself,” said Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, in a statement announcing the strategy.

But apparently not enough of a threat to keep a post that’s central to defending against such attacks.

DHS released its report the same day that the White House cut its top cybersecurity role. First reported by Politico, a National Security Council spokesperson said the post is no longer necessary and that “streamlining management will improve efficiency, reduce bureaucracy, and increase accountability.”

In other political security news, Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab said it will move most of its infrastructure to Zurich. This includes its software assembly line and servers that store and process Kaspersky Security Network data.

Late last year President Donald Trump banned…

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