Cyber Security Hub | Palo Alto Networks CSO Talks Risk Metrics, Algorithms & Automation


On the May 14 episode of VoiceAmerica Business Channel’s “Task Force 7 Radio,” host George Rettas sat down with Palo Alto Networks CSO, Rick Howard, to outline risk management, the security kill-chain and more.

Rettas kicked off the episode by discussing a recent market move. Software company Symantec recently suffered a steep drop-off in its stock price. News of this came last week, after the Wall Street Journal reported an audit committee’s internal investigation. The outcome of said audit may reportedly affect the company’s financials. Last week, Symantec stock closed down 33%, at $19.52 per share.

After this newsy introduction, Rettas leapt into his interview with Howard, who first discussed risk management frameworks.

Material Impact

“You need to be thinking about how well you’re protecting your organization from material impact,” the CSO said. “(I believe we’ve been) doing it wrong for 25 years.” He said that instead of the cyber security heat maps employed by CISOs and the like, more precise forecasts must be integrated into the security model.

Howard mentioned findings from Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner’s book,

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