A Better Objective for an Audit

> Risk > A Better Objective for an Audit

A Better Objective for an Audit

Over the years as a CAE, I learned that there was a better way to steer the audit team. Instead of asking them to assess the system of internal control over a process or business unit (an approach that is disconnected from enterprise objectives), or whether the controls provide reasonable assurance that specified risks are at desired levels (a far better approach), I ask them to answer this question:

Do the processes and controls meet the needs of the business?

This makes the members of the audit team think!

What is management trying to achieve with this business unit, activity, process, etc.?

Does the way they are operating, which includes the controls they are relying on, provide reasonable assurance that they will be successful?

That means that not only do they need to take the right risks but seize the right opportunities. Are they doing that?

How well are they leading the organization and its people, obtaining optimal performance from both?

Is there a better way? What can and should be improved?

Answering my question enabled my auditors to assess the management of risks and opportunities and the related controls.

What do you think?

Try it for yourselves.