A black swan event fraught with cyber risks


As the world goes into a huddle to take on nature’s version of a zero-day malware in the form of COVID-19, organizations are activating their business resilience plans by ensuring a majority of the workforce operates seamlessly out of the safety of their homes. Work from home (WFH) enablement by the corporate world’s IT warriors is a strong response to encourage social isolation and winning the war against community spread of COVID-19. The speed of enabling WFH if not structured well is fraught with cyber risk. The two cornerstone principles most relevant to IT and cyber security teams at this crucial juncture are:

  • “Remote but secure” – work remotely but in a planned and secure manner
  • “trust but verify” – ensure that personnel accessing systems and devices used are trusted devices but validated adequately

Given the current situation where corporate world and society together battle for the protection of humankind from the impact of the contagion, the sectors that need to pay extra attention to security and not let down their guards while enabling WFH are Health care providers, Power and water utilities, Banking and Insurance, chemicals, consumer products and…

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