A Change of Mindset | TahawulTech.com


Nitya Ravi speaks to Dr. Cherif Sleiman of Safe Security who explains the mistake organisations are making when it comes to Enterprise-wide security breaches.

Dr. Cherif Sleiman, Chief Revenue Officer at Safe Security believes organisations should take a closer look at Cyber Risk Quantification (CRQ) and start understanding it better as to the future benefits it provides organisations in helping mitigate enterprise-wide security breaches.

Safe Security, a new startup headquartered in Palo Alto is backed by John Chambers, ex CEO of Cisco, British telecom, PayPal and other luminaries who believe that there must be a different mindset to handling risk management.

“We are here to create and spread the awareness that there are alternatives to ‘let’s pile up more and more security controls”, says Sleiman. “In the next four years the global spending for cybersecurity products and services will topple 2 trillion. This is how much we spend to protect ourselves as people and organisations. The economic loss by cybercrime at the end of this year will exceed 6 trillion heading towards 11 trillion by 2025. True but hard to digest”.

“Safe Security as a pioneer in CRQ space is…

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