A CISO’s Cybersecurity Wishlist – Security Boulevard


It’s that time of the year, when anywhere you go (I mean on the internet, of course), there are wishlists galore. The toys wishlist, the kitchen wishlist, the tech gadgets wishlist, the list (no pun intended) is endless. But what do security leaders and CISOs want? What would be on their cybersecurity wishlist? We polled an amazing group of CISOs and CIOs and posed this question to them.

Interestingly, a similar question was also recently posed by CISO Extraordinaire, Daniel Hooper on LinkedIn. He asked, “CISO friends, what’s the one thing you wish you had in your program?” and the replies he got ranged from the practical, to the esoteric, to really funny, but all were very telling.

Here are the top 3 wishes taken from what we heard from the CISOs we spoke with directly, combined with the comments from this LinkedIn thread:

A CISOs Cybersecurity Wishlist - Become more data driven
Wish #1 – Become more data driven

1. Depend less on gut feelings and become more data-driven

Security leaders are frustrated with their inability to accurately measure and understand their attack surface. As a result, their cybersecurity programs are based on incomplete data. They worry about unseen cyber-risks and vulnerabilities and struggle with how…

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