A guide to insider threats for business leaders investing in cybersecurity

Business leaders don't understand insider threats well enough. Source: Shutterstock

CYBERSECURITY is something every business leader cares about — but they need to understand cyber risks more closely in order to protect their organization.

One of the most important aspects of cyber defense that most business leaders seem to neglect is “insider threats”. These are simply threats arising from inside the organization and are quite significant in terms of the exposure they create for a business.

According to a recent Marsh & McLennan report, 75 percent of companies believe they have appropriate controls to mitigate insider threat — but more than 50 percent of companies had a confirmed insider attack in the past 12 months.

As organizations move to a digital-first world and program their business to run on data assets, understanding, monitoring, and mitigating insider threats is key to survival, especially as consumers grow conscious about data privacy and regulators demand that businesses be more proactive with cybersecurity.

The report identifies a few…

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