A look at Biden’s cyber funding for small and medium businesses

The Biden administration proposed a $9 billion upgrade to the nation’s cybersecurity capabilities as part of his proposed stimulus plan. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Updating and strengthening cybersecurity can be a costly proposition for small and medium businesses with limited budgets. With that in mind, the Biden administration has offered some relief to the tune of $9 billion.

But what do cash-strapped businesses do in the meantime? Tugboat Logic CEO Ray Kruck, explains how small businesses can keep up with the current security demands, even without the coveted government dollars.

The Biden administration has proposed a $9 billion upgrade to the nation’s cybersecurity capabilities as part of his proposed stimulus plan. What might that mean for SMBs?

I heard that there might be funding for implementing basic security. Email security may be one area where [the government is] willing to reimburse investments. Actually, building an information security policy for your company is another area where they [may be] willing to reimburse companies for investment in either a technology or a consultant to do that for them.


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