A New B2B Media-Services Company Launches In Red-Hot Cybersecurity Market


Veteran B2B media executive Doug Manoni, who most recently was CEO of Source Media, is teaming up with the private-equity firm Growth Catalyst Partners to launch a startup company focused on cybersecurity and information-risk management.

The company, CyberRisk Alliance, launches at a time of unprecedented and increasingly damaging security breaches globally. The risk touches virtually all forms of data-related activity in corporations, governments, utilities, non-profits and academic institutions. Growth in the sector has been staggering. According to the research and publishing company Cybersecurity Ventures, worldwide spending on products and services in cyber security was $120 billion in 2017, up from $3.5 billion in 2004. By 2021, it will exceed $1 trillion.

“Cybersecurity is a paramount business issue for every corporation, government agency and organization,” Manoni says. “Cyber-criminal activity is escalating. Intelligence and counter measures are required to advance in parallel.”

The pace of change and innovation is driving the need for expertise and services in each of the CyberRisk Alliance buckets. Responsibility for cyber security rests on…

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