A three-step path to securing critical infrastructure

  • The consequences of not securing critical infrastructure are huge.
  • The dynamic nature of the threats involved means stakeholders must work together to counter them and build trust.
  • Here are three areas for all parties to focus on.

Securing critical infrastructure is essential to the health of our global economy and society. Events that may undermine the confidentiality, integrity or availability of the services delivered by critical infrastructure providers and their networks could have significant and even potentially devastating consequences. Naturally, governments are increasingly focused on this problem and are calling for critical infrastructure providers and their IT vendors to implement technical and organizational security measures, and to prepare for the potential impacts of security incidents that do occur.

Given the dynamic nature of the threat environment, no single organization can effectively manage the breadth of risks alone. The only sensible path forward is for vendors, regulators and critical infrastructure providers to work together on creating new ways to instil trust. That requires thoroughly qualifying three…

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