ADB Director General for Central and West Asia visits Tajikistan’s Emergencies Committee


15:34, 15 ноября, 2021

As part of his trip to Tajikistan, Director General of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Central and West Asia Regional Department, Eugene Zhukov, has visited the Anti-Hail Service of the Emergencies Committee under the Government of Tajikistan, which is located in Hisor City.  

The main purpose of the visit for ADB director-genera for Central and Western Asian was to get acquainted with operations of DMRL-c-5 radar device, which was introduced into operation in August this year, according to the Emergencies Committee press center.  

This radar device was reportedly acquired within the framework of a joint project of Tajikistan’s Emergencies Committee and ADB project for disaster risk management. 

DMRL-C (Doppler-Weather Radar) is operating in C-Band polarimetric weather radar.

The Emergencies Committee head Rustam Nazarzoda has informed ADB official about activities of Tajikistan’s emergency management agency, natural disasters occurring in the country, international cooperation in the field of reducing disasters risks and offered a number of projects on further collaboration between the Emergencies Committee and ADB on disaster…
