Addressing Security Issues Posed by IoT Devices in Connected Buildings


As buildings begin to reopen and building projects resume, there is an increased emphasis on creating healthier and more productive working environments.

In many instances, new technologies coupled with various IoT devices will be used to implement new protocols, enhance on-premise safety and hygiene, and offer more connectivity options to remote and on-site workers. That puts an additional premium on managing the security of these connected devices and systems.

Security IoT Framework

If there is a weakness or vulnerability into these devices, for example, it may breakdown communication in systems designed to make buildings safer and more efficient.

The cybersecurity threat landscape continues to evolve and requires the use of innovative security models and sophisticated prevention techniques to protect the devices in facilities and commercial office buildings. In the Internet of Things (IoT) industry alone, attacks against devices increased more than 200% in 20181.

To adapt, all entities, stakeholders, suppliers and vendors need to redefine their cyber strategy, bringing security into the center of any project and ensuring that any products used in facilities include the highest possible…

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