Adventurer Paula Reid completes epic journey from Odessa to Chornobyl, raising vital funds for Siobhan’s Trust in Ukraine RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Paula’s expedition, covering hundreds of kilometers, aimed to raise both awareness and essential funds for Siobhan’s Trust, a charitable organisation dedicated to providing free hot food, solidarity, support, and kindness to internally displaced persons (IDPs) across the country.

Setting off from the Black Sea city of Odessa on September 13th, Paula embarked on a unique and challenging journey, covering the distance with grit and resilience: all in the name of a cause close to her heart. Her mission was to support an organisation known for its mission looking after the most challenged and needy IDPs.

On route, and after cycling 100km days, Paula, along with a team of Siobhan’s Trust volunteers, cooked and served pizzas to a community in Uman and an orphanage near Lviv. Uman was struck by missiles in April of this year, killing 23 civilians including 3 children. The Sasiv Orphanage houses 17 children who have lost their parents to the war.

Paula said, “Siobhan’s Trust is a remarkable charity giving warmth and compassion to those who have been displaced from their homes. Through the simple delivery of hot pizzas, they provide comfort, solidarity and respect to those who need it most. My journey aimed to offer these resilient people a slice of hope, whilst helping to raise crucial funds that will enable Siobhan’s Trust to continue their invaluable work.”

Over the course of her journey, Paula encountered various challenges, including constant heavy goods traffic, adverse weather conditions, aggressive dogs and difficult terrain. Her unwavering determination and the knowledge that every pedal stroke brought her closer to her goal spurred her on.

Upon reaching her destination in Chornobyl, Paula  said, “This journey has been physically demanding and emotionally draining, but it pales in comparison to the challenges faced by those displaced within Ukraine. Siobhan’s Trust provides vital support to these vulnerable people and I’m grateful to have been able to contribute in my own way.”

Jozef Mycielski of Siobhan’s Trust said, “Paula’s extraordinary journey is a staggering achievement showing impressive bravery, grit and determination in very difficult conditions.  Her dedication to supporting our mission will directly benefit those we serve, providing them with essential camaraderie, a boost in morale and a real sense that people care. It is exactly what they need right now as we head towards another very difficult winter.”

For further information or visuals from Paula’s challenge please email Paula at or call +44 7725 059605.

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