After a year of remote work, how can we achieve better cybersecurity? — Washington Technology



After a year of remote work, how can we achieve better cybersecurity?

As we reach the one-year milestone of working from home, federal IT teams continue to grapple with new and heightened security concerns while continuing to look for better ways to keep government networks secure.

Arecent survey of federal IT leaders shows that agencies should conduct routine cybersecurity training for all employees and participate in security simulations to learn how to handle threats they may encounter on the job. To continue strengthening cybersecurity, Department of Labor CIO Gundeep Ahluwaliasaid the process is “a marathon, not a sprint,” necessitating a “sustained focus over many years” and almost half of federal leaders said a resilient federal government requires a focus on cutting-edge cybersecurity.

The Biden administration recently releasedNational Security Strategic Guidance seeking to make cybersecurity a “top priority” that requires both a diplomatic and military response. “We will elevate cybersecurity as an imperative across the…

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