Agenda Set for Risk Management in Underground Construction Course


Course organizers have posted the agenda for the 3rd annual Risk Management in Underground Construction course, to be held Nov. 28-29, 2018, in Marina del Rey, California, USA.

Risk management experts representing all facets of the underground construction industry, including owners, engineers, contractors, lawyers, financiers, manufacturers and insurers, will be on hand to share their years of experience and interact with attendees throughout the course.

The course is broken into four sessions: Fundamentals of Risk Management; Geotechnical Risk Assessment; Legal/Insurance/Financier Issues; and Case Histories. Sessions conclude with interactive panel discussions that allow attendees the chance to share their own experiences and insights.

Anyone involved in the planning, implementation, construction or management of large underground construction projects will benefit from the course. Past attendees include contractors, project owners, engineers and consultants, insurance professionals, lawyers, and equipment manufacturers and suppliers.

Highlights of the program include an owner’s panel including representatives from LA Metro, Sound Transit, Santa Clara Valley…
