AI forensic experts hired to protect brand reputation

  AI forensic experts hired to protect brand reputation

According to Gartner by 2023, 75% of large organisations will recruit this skill set to help reduce brand and reputational risk.

Users’ trust in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solutions is plummeting as incidents of irresponsible privacy breaches and data misuse keep occurring. Despite rising regulatory scrutiny to combat these breaches, Gartner Inc. predicts that, by 2023, 75% of large organisations will hire AI behaviour forensic, privacy and customer trust specialists to reduce brand and reputation risk.

According to Gartner bias based on race, gender, age or location, and/ or on a specific structure of data, have been long-standing risks in training AI models.

In addition, opaque algorithms such as deep learning can incorporate many implicit, highly variable interactions into their predictions that can be difficult to interpret.

“New tools and skills are needed to help organisations identify these and other potential sources of bias, build more trust in using AI models, and reduce corporate brand and reputation risk,” said Jim Hare, research vice president at Gartner. “More and more data and analytics leaders and chief data officers (CDOs)…

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