Airbus CyberSecurity Predictions 2019 Extortion attacks on OT and IIoT infrastructure


We’ve already seen extortion-driven attacks on infrastructure such as cities and ports, which history suggests will continue and spread to energy and transport infrastructure. With the introduction of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), manufacturing industry will become a new target.

Professional cybercrime is increasingly driven by the simple psychology of extortion, while the almost limitless potential targets are simply a means to a financial end. During 2019, one of these attacks will finally hit home somewhere in the world, causing memorable disruption.

“We expect for 2019 IIoT devices will become a major target for cyber-attackers, especially in the manufacturing industry. The trend with Industry 4.0 to use IIoT technology for real-time data collection of production processes will generate a benefit but also produce an additional risk due to the still low maturity of the cybersecurity protection of IIoT devices,” said Airbus CyberSecurity CEO, Markus Braendle.

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