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Home News Risk management AKAH implements disaster risk programs in Central and South Asia

AKAH implements disaster risk programs in Central and South Asia


11:40, 14 октября, 2020

Reducing risk and preparing communities for disasters in South and Central Asia; photo / AKAH..

Working with local governments and communities, the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) implements a wide range of disaster risk reduction (DRR) programs across Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Syria, and Tajikistan, according to the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN).

DRR programs include hazard, risk and vulnerability assessments; disaster preparedness education; emergency response and search and rescue training; and structural mitigation projects for all levels of community and institutional structures, such as building flood retaining walls, riverbank and slope stabilization, reinforcing bridges and roads, avalanche protection measures, and constructing debris flow channels.

In partnership with local communities, AKAH has also relocated or retrofitted vulnerable buildings in regions of seismic risk – such as schools and health facilities – as well as built safe havens and created stockpiles of vital relief supplies for use by local communities.

By investing in the training of local community-based professionals and volunteers, AKAH is able to…


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