AKAH’s geology unit conducts HVRA and maps natural hazards to help communities to mitigate disaster risk


14:17, 7 апреля, 2022

On April 3. The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH), Tajikistan with its partnering agencies in the country celebrated Geoscientists Day.  Geology Day celebrations began in the former USSR in 1960s and since then, the first Sunday in April is celebrated as Geoscientists Day to recognize geoscientists around the world and their contributions to society.

According to the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) Resident Office in Tajikistan The geology unit of AKAH Tajikistan conducts Hazard and Vulnerability Risk Assessment (HVRA) and maps natural hazards such as avalanches, rockfalls, mudflows, glacial lakes, or landslide and flood zones, to help communities and local authorities to mitigate disaster risk and plan safer villages, towns and habitats.

Using GPS and satellite data, field observation and the latest GIS software, AKAH’s geologists have reportedly assessed over 500 villages and 13 cities across Tajikistan and held community awareness sessions to help people understand and apply the results in their everyday life.  Based on the results of geological assessments, AKAH has implemented over 300 mitigation projects including terracing to…
