Al Khaliji hosts QU students at ‘risk management’ session


Al Khalij Commercial Bank (Al Khaliji), in its quest to expand the horizons of Qatar’s next generation, recently hosted an informative session on ‘risk management’ for the students of Qatar University. 
The session offered insights into the nuances of managing financial risks and mitigating potential losses. 
The session comes as part of the bank’s efforts to provide comprehensive information to students and prepare them to manage risk in organisations.
The session was hosted by Al Khaliji group chief risk officer Oliver Schwarzhaupt, who discussed the importance of risk management and offered ways to deal with financial crises.
“Human capital has been given utmost importance in Qatar National Vision 2030 and we believe that once we nurture this immensely talented next generation with our experience and expertise, they have the mettle to truly catapult the financial landscape of Qatar through their wit and determination. 
“This is what we intend to achieve by hosting such informative sessions, which are specially curated by our team of highly-experienced people based on the current financial dynamics of Qatar. We are confident that through such sessions, our future leaders would…


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