Always on: Preparing for the future of cyber risk


Cybersecurity is essential, but it’s only part of the equation. Here’s why a holistic cyber risk strategy is essential to protect your organization.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024 urged us to “secure our world,” but doing so requires more than just technical measures. The risks organizations face today are continuous, evolving, and far-reaching, demanding constant vigilance.

While technical defenses — like firewalls, anti-malware systems, and encryption protocols — are essential, cyber risk goes beyond cybersecurity. It encompasses everything from security controls to internal vulnerabilities, organizational readiness, and resilience. Yet too few organizations give cyber risk the priority it requires.

As we move beyond Cybersecurity Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to build on its foundations by creating a comprehensive plan that addresses cybersecurity as part of the broader topic of cyber risk — a vital business risk that must be managed with a multi-pronged insurance, mitigation, and resilience approach.

Taking a holistic view

Too often, organizations rely entirely on technical defenses to keep their data safe. For example, a company might have…

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