American State Bank sponsored cyber security seminar


American State Bank provided a free cyber security seminar Sept. 19 at Lakeside Hotel Casino Convention Center. The bank held the event in two repeated sessions, and had approximately 160 attendees from the area representing agriculture, commercial business, nonprofit, education and public institutions.

The featured speaker was Kaushal Kothari, owner of Secure Guard Consulting. Secure Guard specializes in IT risk assessment, audit, policy development, vendor management and corporate IT takeover. Kothari is a former FDIC IT analyst and ethical hacker, and provided the group information on social engineering and training methods to mitigate risks, hacking demonstrations and associated IT security explanations, current top Cyber Security risks, phishing examples and much more.

President and CEO, Kevin Klemesrud said, “Cyber security is arguably one of the most important business and personal risk management topics our customers and communities face today. American State Bank wanted to provide a forum that provided individuals, businesses and organizations with current and relevant information relating to cyber security, IT risks and trends. Our bank feels so strongly about the…

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