AMLCC | The Law Society


AMLCC logo: Compliance | Risk Management | Education, black text with image of three red interlocked hexagons

AMLCC is the complete AML solution. Created by regulated professionals, for regulated professionals, we know exactly what you need to comply with your all AML obligations. And we’ve put it all into AMLCC, enabling thousands of regulated professionals to pass their supervisory visits since 2008.

Secure user access for different employees

Every business will have a firm-level account for security purposes, at least one money laundering reporting officers (MLRO) account and employee accounts with varying user rights.

All accounts have encrypted passwords and two-factor authentication.

Train all your employees on every aspect of AML

Educate all employees and agents with comprehensive online anti-money laundering (AML) training.

There’s additional MLRO and senior management training to explain their additional responsibilities, as well as sector risks training.

Training videos are updated with any changes to legislation or sector guidance. There’s even additional optional continuing professional development (CPD) videos on subjects such as virtual assets and cybercrime.

Test your employees’ knowledge

Prove your teams’ understanding with multiple-choice tests following each…
