Anable: Cyber Security Month highlights ‘team effort’ of internet safety


By Susan Anable, vice president of public affairs for Cox, Southwest Region | Guest Commentary

In October, National Cybersecurity Awareness Month brings into focus three indisputable truths about the internet.

One, it is an incredible resource that offers a universe of opportunities to connect, transact and be entertained, and learn. Two, pursuing these activities comes with the risk of falling victim to digital delinquents intent on separating you from your personal information, privacy and money. Three, the methods are increasingly more sophisticated and persistent, so you must be even more determined to thwart their efforts at every step.

The good news is that you don’t have to defend your digital realm on your own. Most internet services now offer tools that can detect and deter potential fraud and scams before you even know they’re happening.

Today, internet safety is truly a team effort. You…

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