Analysts See $2.56 EPS for Chubb Limited (CB) on January, 29 – Enbulletin


Chubb Limited (NYSE:CB) Corporate Logo
During Q3 2018 the big money sentiment decreased to 0.63. That’s change of 0.08, from 2018Q2’s 0.71. 3 investors sold all, 5 reduced holdings as Chubb Limited ratio turned negative. 3 increased positions while 2 funds bought positions. Funds hold 282,764 shares thus 1.74% more from 2018Q2’s 277,939 shares.
Nelson Roberts Investment Advsr Limited Com, a California-based fund reported 15 shs. Cibc Ww Markets Corporation stated it has 61,052 shs or 0.07% of all its holdings. Penobscot Investment Management holds 0.68% or 23,527 shs in its capital. Fruth Mngmt owns 7,258 shs. 14,398 were reported by Hudson Valley Investment Advisors Adv. Benedict Financial Incorporated holds 1.04% or 17,324 shs. Connors Investor Ser owns 77,537 shs or 1.39% of their US capital. Vantage Investment Advsrs Lc has 0.01% invested in Chubb Limited (NYSE:CB) for 231 shs. Rowland Counsel Adv has invested 0% in Chubb Limited (NYSE:CB). Gemmer Asset Management Limited Co invested in 202 shs. Cleararc Cap reported 0.21% of its capital in Chubb Limited (NYSE:CB). Kentucky Retirement reported 0.15% of its capital in Chubb Limited (NYSE:CB). Baldwin Inv Limited Liability Company invested in 0.15% or…

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