Announcing: new British Standard for cyber risk and resilience


Technology is an integral part of the fabric of everyday life. There is almost no organization that does not rely on digital services in some way in order to survive. The opportunity that technology provides also brings with it more vulnerabilities and threats as organizations and data become more connected and available. This trend results in a common gap found in the decision-making process at large organizations. Often information security and cybersecurity have been viewed as a function of IT and therefore, the information security departments have been managed outside of normal business decision-making processes. This is an approach we no longer have the luxury of indulging.

Organizations need a holistic approach to implement digital transformation projects to safeguard their security. This involves focusing on both the opportunity and the threat of any change. To do this effectively the accountability for cyber risk and resilience needs to sit firmly with executive management and the governing body. However, a skills gap exists at this level with many governing body members having started their careers before the internet era. Even when willing to adopt responsibility…

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