Announcing the 2019 Public Sector Innovation winners — GCN

Government Innovation Awards -

Government Innovation Awards

Announcing the 2019 Public Sector Innovation winners

Government rarely gets credit for the tremendous range of innovation it drives. But as the winners of our 2019 Government Innovation Awards make clear, amazing things are happening at all levels of the public sector.

The 40 Public Sector Innovations below include everything from AI-powered mission enablers to cloud-based reinvention to cybersecurity workforce development. In some cases, the technology itself is transformative, while in others creative use of readily available tools is the game-changer. All, however, show how IT and innovation can dramatically improve government.

And while these examples are impressive enough on their own, they’re just one part of our larger Government Innovation Awards program. A joint effort of GCN, FCW, Washington Technology and Defense Systems, these awards also recognize the companies supporting the government’s transformation and the individual Rising Stars who are driving change across the public sector. Those winners were announced today as well — you can…

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