APPGUARD Versus AntiVirus Chart(Click To Expand)
AppGuard Solo promotion encourages the cryptocurrency industry to implement AppGuard’s ultimate cyber-defense technology to protect from ransomware attacks.
— Mark Kelton Former Deputy Director for Counterintelligence
SANTA MONICA, CA, USA, May 11, 2021 / — Cryptocurrency exchanges, traders, and crypto miners have become targets for hackers via techniques like ransomware attacks and malware injection. Hackers aim to steal the infected computer’s mining resources or compromise blockchain addresses with large crypto volumes. During the last eight years, the amount of stolen crypto was $15.7 Billion, close to what Disney paid to acquire Star Wars, Marvel, and Pixar. AppGuard Solo, a self-managed zero trust host-based endpoint protection agent, can block the execution of ransomware or newly released malware EVEN AFTER A PC IS INFECTED, so no damage can be done. Its highly effective set-and-forget protection makes it ideal for crypto-traders…