April 9 | Doubling down on compliance: Deep dive into SEC cybersecurity regulations | Webcast


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Public companies face pressing new cybersecurity and cyber risk reporting rules from the SEC – including material incident disclosure within days. With multiple regulators expecting timely action, effective risk and incident management requires not only insight and agility, but also a partnership across cybersecurity and risk management functions.

KPMG and ServiceNow experts will delve into best practices to help you not only understand the new regulations, but also navigate critical regulatory challenges such as evaluating incidents for materiality, issuing reports within the requisite timeframes, communicating cybersecurity risks and compliance measures to stakeholders, and building resilience.

Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

  • Develop a plan to prepare in advance for incident disclosure requirements
  • Create a system for effectively collecting and analyzing internal threat data
  • Gauge threat severity to make informed decisions about incident responses
  • Implement strategies to clearly communicate cybersecurity risks…

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