Are Companies Ready for the Risks of IoT?


The Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial IoT (IIoT) are beginning to see some real momentum, particularly in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and retail. More and more devices, equipment, vehicles, buildings, and other objects are being equipped with sensors and connected, enabling the sharing of data that provides useful insights for businesses.

Security has always been a concern with IoT, and that has not gone away as more organizations launch projects. In fact, security issues are likely to become even more complex as businesses work with partners throughout their supply chains in efforts to create “smarter” environments and more efficient processes.

A new report from research firm Ponemon Institute and the Shared Assessments Program, a group of risk management authorities, emphasizes the “acute need for IoT risk management improvement, as most organizations do not know what tracking and safeguards their third parties have in place.”

The study, “Third Party Internet of Things Risk Management,” said current IoT risk management programs are not keeping pace with the dramatic increase in IoT-related risks. This is a shortcoming that represents a clear…

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