Are we getting the COVID-19 information we need?


Like most people (I assume) I am following my local (county), state, and national public health agencies’ web sites for information on the spread of the COVID-19 virus. I also watch the PBS NewsHour TV program and read the news from the BBC and major newspapers.

I am retired, so I don’t have to worry about any corporate effects; I only have to worry about what my wife and I need to do if we are to stay safe. While I also worry about the health and safety of my family in Nashville and London, as well as my friends around the world, there is nothing much I can do for them. (They reassure me they are practicing appropriate social distancing when we chat.)

My question today is whether my wife and I are getting the information we need. Are we able to make the informed and intelligent decisions necessary for our health and welfare?

Each of us may have different questions to answer and different decisions to make.  Today I am talking about my personal ones – and later will make a more generalized point.

What are the questions I have to answer? Here are the first that come to mind:

  1. Do I need to stay in my house?
  2. When, for what purpose, and how often should I leave it?
  3. Do I need to do something different to stay healthy, like take extra vitamins?
  4. Do I need to buy something so that if I am infected I…
