Are You One COVID-19 Test Away From a Cybersecurity …

One cybersecurity failure can result in a successful ransomware attack or data breach that could cause tremendous damage. There’s no need to panic, but neither is there time to ignore the issue.

The president of the United States testing positive for COVID-19 reminds us that there is no guarantee any individual will remain virus-free. That’s true in Washington, and it’s equally true for those managing and running the cybersecurity of our organizations.

Fortunately, the possibility that the president could become ill was understood. The Presidential Suite at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center is no spur-of-the-moment facility. It was set up for such a need. Aside from the full medical staff and facilities of Walter Reed, it has communication facilities provided by the White House Communications Agency and security vetted by the Secret Service. In short, the government recognized the need, created a plan, and took the necessary steps to provide the infrastructure that would be needed to execute that plan.

The news about the president’s medical condition is a reminder that we need to consider not only what we do to protect our systems in these disruptive times but also…

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