As Celgene (CELG) Stock Value Declined, Tokio Marine Asset Management Co LTD Has Lifted Stake; Aon Plc (AON) Holder Kbc Group Nv Increased Holding by $814,266 – EN Digest


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Kbc Group Nv increased its stake in Aon Plc (AON) by 24.82% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Kbc Group Nv bought 5,322 shares as the company’s stock rose 5.34% while stock markets declined. The institutional investor held 26,765 shares of the specialty insurers company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $4.12 million, up from 21,443 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Kbc Group Nv who had been investing in Aon Plc for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $33.10 billion market cap company. The stock decreased 2.70% or $3.81 during the last trading session, reaching $137.44. About 709,188 shares traded. Aon plc (NYSE:AON) has risen 13.92% since December 25, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 13.92% the S&P500. Some Historical AON News: 04/05/2018 – Aon PLC 1Q Cont Ops EPS $2.35; 04/05/2018 – Aon PLC 1Q Net $594M; 13/03/2018 – Aon survey: falling employee engagement in Canada is a “wake-up call” for employers; 04/05/2018 – AON 1Q ADJ EPS $2.97, EST. $2.81; 15/05/2018 – Aon PLC Will Retire Remaining Business Unit Brands, Aon Risk Solutions and Aon Benfield, and Go-to-Market as Aon; 08/05/2018 – AON PLC AON.N :…

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