Auckland railway accident: Report calls for KiwiRail improvements


By Jaime Lyth of NZ Herald

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Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone

Calls for KiwiRail to improve its risk management, crewing and training to reduce the risks of human error have been revealed after a train derailment in Auckland last year.

The locomotive derailed when it entered track crossover points too fast, overturned, and slid on its side for about 55 metres in Tamaki, Auckland on 1 June, 2022.

All three crew members luckily escaped with only minor to moderate injuries, and two were taken to hospital for observation.

Now, a report says the inadequacy of KiwiRail’s risk management and crewing arrangements were vulnerable to human error and made the accident more likely.

The Transport Accident Investigation Commission has made four recommendations to KiwiRail and one to the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.

TAIC chief investigator of accidents Naveen Kozhuppakalam said the problems started when train control told the locomotive crew to travel on the “up” mainline in a “down” direction from Port of Auckland to Westfield.

“At that time, train control didn’t tell the crew about the plan to cross the locomotive over from the up mainline to…
