Audit Committee


The  purpose  of the  Audit  Committee  is to assist  the  Management  Board  in fulfilling  its oversight responsibilities for the financial reporting process, the system of internal control and the audit process.The Audit Committee meets twice a year, and when necessary, between these meetings. 

Key responsibilities of the Audit Committee

The overall responsibility of the Audit Committee is to provide oversight of the internal control systems, management’s risk assessments and the internal and external audits performed. In particular it shall: 

  • Maintain oversight of the internal control standards;
  • Maintain oversight of the framework for the internal audit work in the Centre; 
  • Monitor the accomplishment of the audit work programme(s) and individual audits; and
  • Monitor the establishment and implementation of action plans with regards to the audit recommendations of internal and external audits performed.

The Audit Committee shall also especially assist the Management Board by providing opinions on the annual accounts at both the draft and final stages. The  Audit  Committee  reports back  to  the  Management   Board  on  any  serious shortcomings identified.

