Audit of NASA’s Information Technology Supply Chain Risk Management Efforts


NASA OIG: Audit of NASA’s Information Technology Supply Chain Risk Management Efforts

Status Report
From: NASA Office of Inspector General
Posted: Thursday, May 24, 2018

Full report


Counterfeit information technology (IT) and communications products represent an increasing threat to nations, governments, and companies around the world. According to industry estimates, 1 in 10 such products sold are counterfeit, equating to approximately $100 billion in counterfeit IT products. NASA spent approximately $1.4 billion in fiscal year 2017 on computer systems, networks, and IT services used to control spacecraft, collect and process scientific data, and provide security for critical Agency infrastructure. The risk that IT and communications products entering the Agency’s supply chain could be counterfeit presents a significant threat to NASA operations and could impair the Agency’s ability to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its data, systems, and networks.

In March 2013, Congress directed NASA, the…

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