Audit report exposes misuse of public funds in counties


The Auditor General has released an audit report that exposes how county governments failed to follow the law through irregular payments and skewed tendering processes that resulted in losses of public funds.

The 2017 audit report, by the Auditor General Edward Ouko also highlights how some county assemblies have maintained a bloated workforce.

In his report, Ouko details inaccuracies in financial statements, anomalies in county bank balances, outstanding imprests, anomalies in administering car loan and mortgage funds, unsupported payments, double payment of sitting allowances, and unstructured county assembly service boards.

A review of the county budget performance indicates county governments overspent by  Ksh59 million on personnel payments, domestic travel subsistence and other travel costs, training expenses, specialized materials and supplies, operating expenses and routine maintenance.

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The Auditor General singles out Kisumu and Kajiado County which cannot account for Ksh 4 million. In Kisumu County, Ouko details how MCAs pocketed Ksh 648, 900 in double payment of sitting allowances having attended more…
