Audit Required for Hillsborough County’s Special-Interest Transit Referendum | Sunshine State News


Hillsborough County’s All for Transportation sales tax referendum is subject to a performance audit that must be completed and available to the voting public by Sept. 6.

If it makes the ballot and passes, the 1 percent increase would make Hillsborough County, along with Liberty County, the highest sales tax jurisdictions in Florida at 8 percent.

Another hurdle: the developer-driven citizens’ petition for the referendum must obtain enough valid signatures by Friday, July 27. It will be close.

The petition drive was cobbled together at the 11th hour. Timing is critical and a thorough audit takes months, according to multiple sources.

HB 7087, passed during the 2018 legislative session, added Section 10 to Florida Statute 212.055 governing local tax referendums. The legislation…
