Audit Risk Assurance Committee minutes: 16 March 2021



Martin Spencer, Chair

Venessa Willms, Board member

Laura Wyld, Board member

Julie Kirkbride, Board member

James Aston, Co-opted member

Also in attendance

Amanda Spielman, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Accounting Officer

Matthew Coffey, Chief Operating Officer

Louise Grainger, Director, Finance, Planning and Commercial

Head of Corporate Governance and Internal Insight

Board Secretary and Corporate Governance Manager

Corporate Governance Officer

Chris Jones, Director, Corporate Strategy (Item 10)

Tom Zebedee, Deputy Director, Technology (Item 13)

Programme Manager, Information Management Programme and Operations (Item 13)

Carol Hartley Burdett, GIAA

Tony Smith, GIAA

Colin Wilcox, NAO

Amelia Payton, Mazars



1. Chairman’s introduction, declarations of interest, minutes, actions and matters arising

The minutes of 27 January 2021 were agreed, subject to one minor amendment.

The chair welcomed Julie Kirkbride, board member and new ARAC member, and the Corporate Governance Manager, to their first committee meeting.

Julie Kirkbride declared her position as Trustee of the New Schools Network and Volunteering Matters.

Laura Wyld…

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