Audit shows $43,000 missing from Carroll’s Student Activity Fund


MONROE, La. (KNOE) – An audit report conducted by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s office shows that from July 1st, 2014, to June 30th, 2017, more than $43,000 went missing from Carroll High School.

Courtesy: KNOE 8 News

The report, made public on Monday, shows the funds were missing from the school’s Student Activity Fund, an account that stores money raised by school clubs and sports teams. The money from these teams was given to faculty sponsors, who then gave the money to the school’s former bookkeeper – Marilyn Wimbish.

The audit report shows Wimbish was supposed to deposit the money into the school’s bank account.

But records show something different happened.

The audit states that from the dates listed above, there were 533 deposits credited to Carroll’s bank account. But the school’s accounting records show only 503 deposits. Even more, one-third (176) of the deposits had a different monetary amount than the accounting records show was collected.

LLA even made a year-by-year…
