Australian execs fear mounting risks in cyber & geopolitics


McGrathNicol Advisory has released a report detailing perceptions and attitudes of Australian business leaders towards various risks.

In partnership with YouGov, the advisory firm surveyed over 300 C-Suite executives and Board-level directors from Australian businesses with a workforce of 50 or more employees.

The findings reveal that a substantial majority of executives, 89 percent, anticipate that risk and security issues will worsen in the next 12 months. This is a sharp increase from the 58 percent who felt this way in 2023. Despite acknowledging the rising risks, many organisations have yet to effectively recognise the interconnections between different risk areas or implement adequate mitigation strategies. Geopolitical threats, though increasingly pressing, are perceived to have fewer immediate impacts by business leaders.

New cyber security obligations have intensified following modifications to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (SOCI Act). Australian companies in critical sectors, including communications, defence, higher education, financial services, healthcare, energy, and transport, now face a deadline to submit a Critical Infrastructure…

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