Austria must improve its strategy to prevent risks of corruption in government and in law enforcement


The Council of Europe’s Group of States against corruption (GRECO) has published its fifth-round evaluation report on Austria dealing with corruption prevention in central government (top executive functions) and law enforcement authorities. (German version of the report)

GRECO considers that, given the low level of public confidence in the political class and the recent scandals that have tainted the reputation of the executive, it is necessary to adopt an overarching integrity policy regarding government officials, especially when it comes to the management of conflicts of interest. The system of financial disclosure has to be substantially strengthened. There must be greater transparency surrounding the engagement of secretaries general and ministerial advisors, and their activity.  

As regards law enforcement authorities, efficient risk assessment and management systems are yet to take root. Measures should also be taken to achieve a more open and transparent procedure for the appointment to senior management posts to prevent politicisation. GRECO further recommends the development of adequate whistleblower protection and encourages the Austrian Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption…
