AG: Vancouver Island University issues should encourage institutions to assess cybersecurity
A report assessing cybersecurity at a B.C. university could improve cybersecurity at all provincial post-secondary institutions and beyond.
At least that is the hope of Auditor-General Michael Pickup after presenting his audit of cybersecurity risk management at Vancouver Island University Tuesday (Aug. 1) at a news conference in the provincial legislature.
The audit — first of its kind since Pickup assumed his current role three years ago and the first involving a post-secondary institution in more than a decade — finds VIU’s board failed to oversee policies and strategies critical to protecting information systems and data.
Pickup said the audit did not consider the day-to-day technical issues of cybersecurity at the university, but rather the role of the university board, which according to the report, serves as “a line of defence” to protect the university and improve its response to cyber threats.
“For example, the board of governors can evaluate whether management has implemented strategies to mitigate risks to its technology infrastructure,” it reads.