Baker Tilly’s Internal Audit Into Higher Education’s Evolutionary Risk Management Ally


Published 14 hours ago

Submitted by Baker Tilly

Students talking looking at pieces of paper

Authored by Adrienne Larmett

Higher education is at an inflection point, with many institutions fighting for their existence. Changing student demographics and needs, evolving technologies and market demands and the COVID-19 pandemic have compelled colleges and universities to evolve. Simultaneously, institutions are combatting an increasing societal narrative on the perceived benefit of a college degree compared to the rising cost of education, public criticism of growing burdensome student loan debt and the ongoing debate regarding the practicality of a liberal arts education versus education focused on career pragmatism. Nonetheless, higher education maintains an essential role in the modern era. It serves as:

  • A pathway to knowledge and expertise, which provides an opportunity to pursue academic disciplines and professional skills that can lead to career advancement and personal growth
  • A gateway to better career opportunities, as many job positions still require a degree as a prerequisite. Degrees may also provide individuals with a competitive edge in the job market
  • A vehicle for social mobility, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to…
